It's a Dog's Life
Friday, March 24, 2006

I have a Maltese named Charlie who just turned eight. He's very animated; more like a character out of a Disney flick than an actual animal. Anyway, the vet has made a big deal to take care of his teeth and I do. In fact, he's even had two cleanings, the second as recent as last July. But two weeks ago I noticed Charlie had a bad tooth so I took him downtown yesterday to the vet. He was sitting on my lap in the waiting room when they called "Next, Charlie Graff!" He jumped off and trodded inside to the examining room.

Well, seems it's a good thing I brought him. Because next week he's scheduled to have another cleaning, and it seems like the molar will be extracted. They even did blood work to be sure he can tolerate the anesthesia. Do you have a pet? This is my first one. It's amazing to look into their little faces and understand their moods.

I never knew that was even possible with an animal. But it is. He isn't animated today. Has been quiet. Now he's on the couch. Sleeping. I feel like he knows I am telling everyone about him right now and showering him with extra attention and deeper concern, but then I have to think that maybe he's only sleeping because he's just a dog.


At 5:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The main point here is that he may be just a dawg, but he's your dawg! If people were more aware of animals feelings in general the world would be better and people would reap the benefit, because the kindness and respect you extend an animal is then magnified in that towards human beings. My little rant!


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