A Frog in my Throat
Monday, April 10, 2006

The sunshine is streaming through my window and actually waking me... the heaviest of sleepers! But I love it. It's a different kind of sun than the winter. Brighter and definitely brimming with spring.

So I do. I spring out of bed and go to call my dog, Charlie, to take him for a walk. But no voice comes out. I try again. It's broken up into little pieces of gravel I feel I have to dig up. I sound froggy. I wonder if writing about all those frogs has somehow contaminated me. Do you know at the beginning of the year I actually had a wart! On my main typing finger, no less. Hmmm....

But spring has sprung. And it always creates anticipation of something romantic and wonderful.

Do you think those romantic rumblings go on with everyone? No matter your age, no matter if you're flying solo or part of a pair? I do. I think thoughout our lives, we'll always remember that day after schoool when we stepped out into the warmer air, and took off our coat to carry home... knowing it would be put away for another season.

It's libertaing to take off the coat. In my college, Binghamton University, we had a ceremony every spring called "Stepping on the Coat!" Everyone gathered round this field outside the student union to watch this guy Richie do it.

So spring has sprung. And while I don't know everything, I know one thing for sure. If you're not part of a terrific twosome, you'd rather be single. At least you're not stuck, and from that point of view anything, everything is still possible. Being single in spring offers a wonderful opporunity to embrace the idea that something amazing may be blooming just around the corner.


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