Rain Date
Wednesday, July 19, 2006

It's been hot. Horribly, scarily hot. So going to the NY Philharmonic in the Park (that's Central!) seems like a cool idea.

My cousin Sean and I pack a dessert picnic. Wine, chocolate cake, strawberries and what turns into soupy vanilla ice cream - good for dipping. I bring real wine glasses, we bring real chairs, and are off.

Second we sit down it starts to rain. Thousands of people are picnicking in the park, the music has begun, and everyone lets out a big moan. Then the rain stops.

Sean and I sit far away from the bandstand so we can eat and talk. We trade dating stories. We have a big thing in common. Boys. The night is fun, and as the sun goes down the heat starts to subside. Just as the concert ends the winds start to blow. Finally, I feel comfortable.

"Do you think a tornado is headed this way?" A friend I know on the next blanket comes over to ask, concerned. So is Sean. But I'm enjoying the breeze and want to stay and finish the wine.

And in a flash there's a flash of lightning, and I don't mean that figuratively. The rain suddenly pours down. We pack up to run out of the park. But with two thousand people ahead of us we don't get far too quickly. People are screaming. Sean says its like The Poseidon Adventure. It's coming down fast and furious. It is all so crazy and it feels so good.

I've never been drenched like that. My dress is soaked against my skin. We start laughing, surrender to the rain and give in.

Back in my apartment we throw all the clothes in the dryer. He puts on my bathrobe. It convinces me to buy a pair of guy hang-out pants to keep in my drawer for special occasions! We talk till after one. Then he crashes on my couch.

Although this morning Sean's sneakers are still pretty wet, the sun shines, and the heat wave's kind of broken. Me and Charlie walk him to the subway and say so long.

My rain date!


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