Blogger Blahs
Friday, February 23, 2007

It's been months since I have written. Three. Feels like a lifetime ago.

I am writing my new book. Shiksa Syndrome. And I feel I have leapt out of the frog pond. Finally. But only because writing full time and working part time has left me with no time for any dating pond.

It's A Wonderful Lie: 26 Truths About Life In Your Twenties came out. I'm a contributor. Check it out.

Last night, however, I was walking Charlie. Searching for dog shampoo to give him a bath. I discovered that no one sells dog shampoo in the discount drugstore arena in NY. Anyway, a guy walked up to me and Charlie and said he was cute and looked so clean. It was so random for him to say that when I was en route to buy the shampoo. I told him that and he found it funny and then I ducked into Duane Reade to see if they had it, which they did not.

(By the way, in the end Gristede's had a bottle for 9.99. The same shampoo Walmart sells for $4.)

The guy was carrying a Toshiba laptop. Boxed. He is setting up an apartment, moving here next week from Northern California. He gave me a few pointers on a software I said I was installing, his card, and a lift.

He wants to know if I will remember him when he comes back next week. I wonder if he will even call. My experience in the frog pond always makes one wonder. But here's the point.

I felt a little flushed. When we talked I giggled. He looked me in the eyes and told me I was a pretty girl - quirky, unexpected romantic. "Laurie." He paused. I was waiting for him to say something big. And instead he said, "If what I told you won't help, tomorrow you can call HP."

Maybe that doesn't translate onto the page. But it was cool. It was so silly. So out of the moment, but defining it in a very cute and offbeat way.

I don't have to call HP. I figured it out myself. As for him if he doesn't in a few, perhaps I will. First I must catch up to myself. If that's even possible. I have a deadline and always feel behind the Eight Ball.

But you know what? I can walk out on the street when most people are asleep and meet someone who'll make it lighter. Brighter. And after three months, this was the first time I was in the mood to blog.


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