On Speed
Monday, August 13, 2007

So this is how fast things happen. I go swing dancing last night on the Pier. Remember that? The entry about the motel down there the last time I swung? Well, believe it or not that was a year ago. The year has flown. It's sped by.

I dance with a guy. A good dancer. Great. He spins me. Fast, really really fast. I hold on tight, because if I let go I can fall. We spin. Too fast, too fun.

He monopolizes my dance card. It's okay! Suddenly the band is done. The Moondance is over. He offers to drive me home. We grab a bite, he walks me home. A few hours ago I didn't even know him. Now he asks me out. It happens fast.

Tonight he asks if I want to cycle. He's got a bicycle built for two. A Tandem. It goes fast, he says. Am I afraid of speed?

Yes, I tell him. I am. Downhill skiing, sleds, bicycles, cars, and maybe kissses. For speedy kisses lead to speedy relationships that have the faster fastest beginnings, middles, and ends.

Except I don't tell him that part. I plan to enjoy this ride. I plan to travel at my designated speed limit. Naturally gaining momentum and coming up to speed.


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